Ad Details
Ad ID: 6286
Added: 10/08/2018
Sale Price: €1,650,000.00
Location: Germany
State/Province: Bayern
City: Gräfelfing
Phone: [+49] - (0)89 - 8542303
Views: 1286
Latitude: 15.162653514001228
Longitude: 120.56651440521821
Typ: Jet
Hersteller: Cessna
Modell: C 550 Bravo
Baujahr: 2001
RegistrierungsNr.: EU registered
Eigenschaften: IFR zugelassen
IFR ausgerüstet
JAR-OPS 1 zugelassen
Standort: Deutschland
Gesamtzeit (TTAF): 5900 h
Preis: € 1.650.000
EU-versteuert: ja
MwSt. ausweisbar: ja
Landungen: 5510
Anzahl Motoren: 2
Hersteller/Modell: Engines: Pratt & Whitney 560A Engines: Pratt & Whitney 560A
TBO (Stunden): 4000 h 4000 h
SOH: 1227 h 1337 h
Beschreibung/Details Motoren
Engine 1 Engine 2
Time Since Overhaul: 1.127 hrs 1.377 hrs
Cycles Since Overhaul: 1.166 cyc. 1.367 cyc.
Engines: Pratt & Whitney 560A
(4.000 hrs TBO)
Honeywell Primus 1000 Avionics with 3-Tube EFIS
Flight Director Dual Honeywell Primus 1000
Autopilot Honeywell Primus 1000
Com Dual King KY 196B
(8.33 kHz Spacing)
Nav Dual King KN 53
ADF Dual King KR 87
Transponder Dual King MST 67A enhanced
Mode S with Flight ID
Rad Alt Honeywell ALT 55B
FMS Universal UNS-1K
Radar Honeywell Primus 660 Colour
ELT Artex 110-406
TCAS Honeywell TCAS-II with
Change 7
FDR Honeywell DFDR
JAA approved
EGPWS Honeywell Mk VII
GPS moving Map Garmin 4000
RVSM compliant
Precise Flight Pulselight System
EROS crew masks, Pilot seat relief tube
Cockpit speaker mute switch
Overwater life vests, Thrust Reversers
London City steep approach flightt manual supplement
Thrust Reversers, Davtron Clock
Angle of Attack indicator
Monorail sunvisors
Overall White with Green, Grey and Black Stripes.
7/8 Passenger, centre-club interior with optional forward two place couch instead of aft facing seat. in light cream leather; Forward, deluxe refreshment centre, opposite a closet; Dual executive tables. Forward and aft cabin dividers. Aft, belted toilet. High gloss, wood veneer cabinetry. 110V outlets in the cabin and flight deck
Stand Inspektion
on Cescom +
Specifications are subject to verification
add VAT if sold within EU
Carlos de Pilar Flugzeughandel
Postfach 1529
D-82157 Gräfelfing
Tel.: [+49] – (0)89 – 8542303
Fax: [+49] – (0)89 – 853176