₱ 1,010,000
House & Lots for sale in Tarlac, Lots 7-B-1 and 7-A
Ad Details
Ad ID: 3726
Added: 15/07/2018
Sale Price: ₱ 1,010,000
Location: Philippines
State/Province: Tarlac
City: Tarlac City
Phone: + 632430455
Views: 1023
Latitude: 15.49045
Longitude: 120.57009900000003
* Sale shall be on “as is where is” basis.
* All offers are subject to Management approval.
* Availability of units and prices are subject to change without prior notice.
* Misprints should not be construed as misrepresentation of the property.
* Lease offers welcome for all condominium units listed except those under “”With Authority to Sell””. Please call for price.
Floor area (m²) 74Land Size (m²) 85
+ 632430455