
Piper PA28R180

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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 6111

  • Added: 09/08/2018

  • Sale Price: €79,900.00

  • Location: Germany

  • State/Province: Nordrhein-Westfalen

  • City: Meinerzhagen

  • Phone: +49 172 7859199

  • Views: 1529

  • Latitude: 15.162593088488512

  • Longitude: 120.56511965653047


Typ: Single-Prop
Hersteller: Piper
Modell: PA28R180
Baujahr: 1968
RegistrierungsNr.: N171JB
Serien-Nr.: 28R30756
Eigenschaften: IFR zugelassen
IFR ausgerüstet
Stets hangariert
Jahresnachpr.: 7/2018
Standort: Deutschland, EDKZ
Gesamtzeit (TTAF): 4950 h
Preis: € 79.900
EU-versteuert: ja
Anzahl Passagiere: 3

Anzahl Motoren: 1
Hersteller/Modell: Lycoming IO360-B1E
Seriennummer: RL-6394-51A / 1998-09-11
Leistung: 180 PS
Gesamtzeit: 810 h
TBO (Stunden): 2000 h
SMOH: 160 h
Prop Hersteller/Modell: Hartzell HC-C3YR-1RF/F7282
Prop Zeit 1: 160 h

Beschreibung/Details Motoren
The engine was overhauled in 2011 after a prop strike

Garmin G500 conversion
2x GNS 430W
EDM 730 (CHT, EGT, Voltage, fuel level, fuel flow)
STEC autopilot 60 PSS altitude hold and VS hold
Autocontrol III coupled with G500 including GS intercept / LPV / GPSS
BOSE plugs pilot / co-pilot
Garmin GMA340 panel

New battery in 07/2015
Electrical trim

New paint in 11/2014

New windows in 11/2014

Modification to G500 and EDM 730 in 2014

Stand Inspektion
Last annual in 07/2018
Bi-annual Avionics inspection 07/2018

The plane had a partial gear failure in 2011 and was thereafter diligently repaired.

The airplane was stripped and fully inspected in 2014 by Medavia, Malta as part of the repaint.

Owner is selling because of an upgrade to a larger plane.