Ad Details
Ad ID: 3306
Added: 11/07/2018
Location: Philippines
State/Province: Pampanga
City: Angeles City
Phone: (045) 624-5626
Views: 2409
Latitude: 15.1770349
Longitude: 120.58782960000008
Location: 15 minutes away from Angeles City Entertainment District
Sogo Hotel – Dau
The most popular lodging chain in the Philippines with hotels found along several major thoroughfares and transport hubs around the country. On the way to, or right at your destination, there is bound to be a Hotel Sogo that offers you comfort, cleanliness, privacy, parking and security at affordable room rates!
With Hotel Sogo’s well trained staff offering superb service you think you could only expect at pricey class AA hotels, your simple stopover stay turns into a memorable experience, one you would wish to repeat soon. We are only too happy to always welcome you!